Creating teams is really simple on InstaTeam

About InstaTeam

What is InstaTeam? And what I can do with InstaTeam?
Simple and fast scheduling, automatic rosters, team calendar, event reminders, notifications, instant messaging along with email, message read status, real-time schedule change updates, website integration with automatic website updates, payment tracking, attendance record, Facebook, Twitter and other social sharing, carpooling with integrated maps and so much more. InstaTeam’s comprehensive web and mobile based team management tool helps Athletic Directors, Coaches, Admins, Players and Parents, all get connected as a team, stay updated with the latest addition or changes in team schedules or event details, chat, participate, interact and do so much more together.

InstaTeam’s advanced team management and connectivity solution automates and simplifies administrative tasks and team communication.

With InstaTeam get everything from scheduling to carpooling, all on a single interface extremely simple and easy to use. Manage or participate in multiple teams, get all team schedules organized, get automated reminders, notifications and more; with InstaTeam never miss out on any important team event or schedule changes. Sports teams, schools, churches, social groups, hobby groups, volunteers, fitness groups, day care and more… TEAMS LOVE INSTATEAM!

Creating an account

Do I have to verify my email address before using the app?
You do not need to verify your email if you are using a Facebook or Google account to sign up. If you click on Facebook logo or Google logo, you can use your existing Facebook or Google account to login.

If you use email to sign up, then you will need to verify your email address using a simple one click approach.

Creating an event

Is InstaTeam only for Sports Teams?
No. InstaTeam can be used for any type of team or group. For example, Teachers use InstaTeam to send messages to all the students and parents, and organize events such as field trips, parent teacher meetings etc. Volunteer groups use InstaTeam to organize group events and communicate directly with the team. InstaTeam is also used by boy scouts groups, yoga classes, and much much more. InstaTeam helps teams of all forms with simple, real-time communication and event scheduling for all involved.
How do I create a new team type such as "Meeting"?
When creating a team, you can specify any team type you want by entering it manually. When you enter text, you will see team type suggestions, but you can ignore those and continue with entering the team type. The text you enter in the team type box will be assigned as the team type for your team.
Do I need to know the email addresses and phone numbers of the team members to be able to create a team?
No. You do not need to know the email addresses or phone numbers of the team members. After downloading the InstaTeam app, the team members can search for the team name, organization name or the team code to join the team. You can also print the invitation letter using the web interface which describes step by step instructions for team members.
What does Auto Accept mean in Edit or Create team screen?
When Auto Accept is enabled, the admins do not need to approve join requests from the team members. When a team member searches the team on the InstaTeam app and click on the Join button, the team member is automatically accepted on to the team. The team admins can enable or disable Auto Accept flag at any time in the Edit Team screen. Edit Team option is available under the team tab.

Member Management

Do all team members need to download the mobile app to receive messages and event reminders?
No. Team members who do not have a mobile phone or have not downloaded the app will receive all team messages and event reminders via email.

The team admin must add them as team members using the "Add Member" icon on the mobile app or on the website. Their status will be shown as Email Registered since they have not downloaded the mobile app.
How can I add team members if they have not downloaded the app?
If you are an admin for a team, you can add team members within the Team Tab screen. Click on Add Member icon on the web on the InstaTeam mobile app, and you can then enter the information about the team member including parent details.
After I add team member manually why I see "Email Registered" text next to their name
"Email Registered" indicates that these team members have not registered or not joined the team within InstaTeam. Once these team members join the team from InstaTeam mobile app, their status will be changed and "Email Registered" text will not be shown next to member name
What does Parent Registered title mean next to the member name
If a team member is not registered, but has registered parents on the team, the status of that member is shown as Parent Registered. If a Parent Registered member downloads the InstaTeam app and joins the team, the member status will change to registered and the Parent Registered text will not appear below the member name.
What if I have a large team and I want to import their information. Can I import members from an excel file?
Yes. You can import team members and parent names, email addresses and phone numbers from an excel file. Members can be imported from web console using the Import member button on member tab. The excel file template can be downloaded after you click on import team members. You can then copy/paste team member names and their information into the excel file. After clicking on import, you can specify the excel file that you have just created.
Can I assign multiple administrators within a team?
Yes. The owner, coach or an administrator of a team can assign other team members or parents as administrators. Administrators can create/edit team, create/edit schedules, send team messages to the team and keep track of scores.
I have already joined a team. How do I join a new team?
Under the Team tab, you will see an + sign or Add Team text. Tap on Add Team icon and then search for the team name you want to join. The app will search for the team and show you all teams that meet the search criteria. After tapping on Add Team, you can then search for the team and join.
What does "Pending" text mean next to the team name?
Pending text indicates that your request to join the team has been sent to the administrator, but the administrator has not yet accepted your request. Once your request to join has been accepted, the Pending status gets removed.
I see "Email Registered" under some members name. What does it mean?
If a member has not downloaded the mobile app, and has not joined the team via InstaTeam mobile app, then "Email Registered" text appears under this members name indicating that this member will still receive communication and event reminders via email. Once the member downloads the mobile app and registers via mobile app, "Email Register" will not appear under their names.
How do I remove myself from the team?
In the team list screen you can left swipe (iOS) or long press (Android) on the team name to get the delete option. If you select delete, the app will ask you if you really want to be removed from the team. You can select Yes to remove the team from your team list and associated events from your account. You will no longer receive any email or notifications related to the events for that team.
When I joined as a parent, I mistyped the name of my child. How can I get it correct?
If you entered the wrong name for your child when joining the team, you can remove yourself from the team and join the team again. You can also request admin to remove the member from the team, and then add child by clicking on your name in the team details screen.

To leave the team, you can tap on the team and select Leave Team option. You can also leave team by deleting the team from the team list by using left swipe on the team name on your iOS device or using a long press on your android phone.

Event Creation and Management

Can I create my own venue location when creating an event?
Yes, you can create your own location. When you type in the location name, our enhanced scheduling engine will suggest venue locations based on your input. You can also create venue by typing a name and then tapping the location on the map. After a venue is created, it is available in the list of venues for the team.
How does the Carpool function work?
If you are interested in carpool for an event, you can click on the event under schedule tab and select carpool. Once you have registered for carpool, you will see the list of other members from your team who are also interested in carpool for the same event. You can then send them messages within the app.
Why do I see Going Status as "Not Set" for team members in the view event
If a member has not selected their attendance for an event, the status for that member will be shown as "Not Set".

Security and Privacy

Is my personal email address and phone number visible to other team members?
The team member information is set as Private by default. Therefore, other team members cannot view the contact information of the team member. However, the team members can change their privacy setting and make their information visible to other team members.

To make information visible, the team members can tap on the team name on their mobile phone, and then select "Privacy and Notifications." The members can then turn the Privacy flag On or Off.

The team admin information is always visible to the team members. The team admins cannot make their information Private.
Why does InstaTeam need access to my location and the camera on my mobile phone
When you search for a team to join, the InstaTeam app uses your current location to show the teams in your area. The GPS information on your mobile phone is also used for enhanced features in the app such as driving directions, maps, carpool signup and selecting a venue for the event. Camera and photo gallery access allows sharing of your photos with other team members.

Messaging and Notifications

Why am I not able to send messages to the whole team?
Only Team Administrators can send Team messages. However, members can send messages directly to other members or coaches in the team.
How can I set my mobile and email notification preferences?
Within InstaTeam mobile app, you can change your notification preferences for each of your team. You can enable mobile push notifications or email for your preferred message types. To set your notification preferences, you need to tap on the team name and then select Privacy and Notifications. Now you can set your notification preferences.
If a team member has not downloaded the mobile app, will the member still receive team messages?
Yes. The team messages are sent via mobile messaging and via email. The "Email Registered" team members who have not downloaded the InstaTeam mobile app will receive messages via their email.

The team admin must manually add the members who have not registered via InstaTeam app. To add the member, the admin should click on member tab on the web console and then click on Add Member.