The team admins have the option of creating payment items for their teams. The payment items can be created on the web or on the mobile app. To create a payment item on the mobile app, the team admins click on the team tab and then click on the team. The admins can click on Payments and Dues button to view existing payment items for that team. To add a payment item, the team admin clicks on the Add icon on the top right corner, and then select a team or multiple teams for which payment items is being created. Now, the team admin enters the item details such as name of the item, price and the due date for payment. After creating the item, the team admins can select which team members have purchased the items by clicking on the check box next to the member name.
After payment items have been created for a team, the team admin can add payment items to a team member profile. In the Edit member screen, click on Payments and Dues button. The team admins can then select a payment item to add.
The team admins and members can view the list of payment items and the total amount due for each item. To view, the list of items for which payment is due, the member or the admin clicks on Payment Due icon on the team member list screen or Dues and Payment button in the edit member screen. They can click on any item and view the details of all the payments made by the member and total amount due for that item. In this screen, the team admin can also add payments received from team members along with the date and amount of payment received. The admins can delete any payment item from the member profile by clicking on delete icon in the top bar. Also, the member can see all the payments that have been posted by admin against this item..